Nagesh Kukunoor’s highly appreciated movie on the sports scenario in the country, said to be inspired from “Karate Kid”.Though the influential factor is quite debatable but it’s indeed a movie which deeply touches some darker issues of the society. A real eye opener on how a cricket-obsessed boy from a remote Indian village as he aims to overcome his difficulties and become a cricketer and fulfil his dream of playing for the Indian national cricket team.
It shows that iqbal-a winner.Iqbal doesn't require those plain, ch..ya reviews but aggressive reviews. Nasirudheen Shah, in the role of a coach proves once again that he is a master of his art. Interestingly there is few female characters in the entire film. And that is of Pratheeksha Lonkar, as Saida. The combination of Nagesh Kukunoor & Himesh Rashamiyya is in full form in this emotional but intense drama with some great musical gems. Go for it if you are a lovers of quality cinema.
It shows that iqbal-a winner.Iqbal doesn't require those plain, ch..ya reviews but aggressive reviews. Nasirudheen Shah, in the role of a coach proves once again that he is a master of his art. Interestingly there is few female characters in the entire film. And that is of Pratheeksha Lonkar, as Saida. The combination of Nagesh Kukunoor & Himesh Rashamiyya is in full form in this emotional but intense drama with some great musical gems. Go for it if you are a lovers of quality cinema.
Directed By Nagesh Kukunoor
Starring : Nasirudheen Shah & Shreyas thalpade Music By Himesh Rashamiyya | ||
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