Remembered as an adaptation movie by the showman Stanley Cubrick, A Clockwork Orange flopped big time when it was first released. The movie was way ahead of its time and that was the reason why viewers couldn’t understand the vision of the legendary director at that time. As expected, years later it was widely accepted as a masterpiece of American Cinema.
With an unusual duration of less than 3 hours the movie is a sensitive portrayal of disturbing, violent images to comment on psychiatry, juvenile delinquency, youth gangs, and other social, political, and economic subjects in a dystopian future Britain. Showing his deep understanding of the medium, Stanley Cubrick tries it as a great Piece of Art.I would say that the movie is really a gem of an art piece.
The use of excellent imagery coupled with pretty out-of-the-place background score tells us about the uniqueness of this movie. Stanley Kubrick has really applied a lot of thought into this.The director wants the audience to feel something as bad not because he is showing it as bad but because it really is bad. The background music accompanying the ultra violent scenes is comical, and not dramatic or anything else that is commonly associated with such scenes. This gives the viewer an opportunity to feel the bitterness not because the music hints so but because he himself feels so. Viewer's emotions should arise irrespective of what the director is trying to show, and this is one of the greatest successes of the movie. If you are a person who loves to think from his heart then this is a movie about yourself.
Directed By Stanley Cubrick
Starring : Malcolm Mc Dowell, Patrick Magee & Galaxy of Stars
Music By Walter Carlos | ||
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