It is often said in our part of the world that the Tamil people are short of emotions. May be the material world proves it but this movie shows the soft side of the Tamil.“Alaigal Olivathillai” is bundled with tender loving emotions of the character played by Karthik belongs to a poor Hindu family in coastal Tamil Nadu. His mother, played by Kamala Kamesh, teaches music to Radha, who belongs to a relatively rich Christian family. The lead pair has acted just superbly and you really fall in love along with them while watching this loving drama with a touch of comedy. Some scenes are hillarious as well as lovable and are capable of winning over the viewers completely.
Though the Malayali viewers will find that this movie was very poorly copied as Vineeth’s “Oru Muthashikkatha” but still they can enjoy it immensely. Vineeth & Nirosha in the Malayalam version could not meet the excellence achieved by Karthik Muthuraman & Radha in this original classic. Few sequences of the film will linger on in your hearts for a long time. The brilliant chemsitry between the lead couple gives the movie a tremendous repeat value. A strongly recommended romantic movie for young couples and for the young at heart. Indeed ”Alaigal Olivathillai”.
Directed By : P.Bharatheeraja
Starring : Karthik Muthuraman & Radha | ||
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